About the project
The “ID GAMES” project is based on the belief that each person should be given the chance to be accepted, valued and have equalopportunities to develop their skills and personality. Social inclusion of people with disabilities, are the key aims of the "ID GAMES" projectwhich proposes a new methodology of participatory living labs for inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through the co-creation ofgames in local communities.
Moreover ID GAMES empowers the practical, cognitive and social skills of people with intellectual disabilitiesthrough 6 serious games that have been created with their participation from the concept idea till the refinement. Finally it enhance the skillsand competences of trainers of people with intellectual disabilities, relevant professionals, caregivers and organizations addressing themthrough this E-course.
About the E-course of ID GAMES
This e-course is the culmination of ID GAMES project’s efforts. It is targeted at trainers, carers and people of local community who are interested on the inclusion and empowerment of people with intellectual disabilities. The course will guide the participants through all steps of understanding the needs of people with intellectual disability, learning how to implement the innovative methodology of participatory game co-creation living labs as well as how to use the 6 serious games of ID GAMES for the empowerment of skills of people with intellectual disabilities.
The course consists of 4 modules and is available on the fields of:
- Learning about ID GAMES project, partnership and instructors
- Defining the Intellectual Disability, the levels of severity, the needs of people with intellectual disabilities and methods of supporting them
- Investigating on how to use the serious games for inclusion and empowerment of people with intellectual disability
- Learning how to implement the innovative co-creation participatory living labs of ID GAMES
The modules consist of chapters and subchapters that you can open gradually and follow throughout the course. In order to do so click on the title of each chapter or subchapter to open it. The material includes videos with presentations, interviews, text documents and pdfs, extra resources as well as quizzes to evaluate your learning outcomes. You can always visit the chapters and subchapters of the modules any time when you are logged in. In the end of the course there is also an evaluation questionnaire for the E-course as an experience for you. Your input is valuable to improve the e-course. After completing the e-course and answering the quizzes in the end of each module you will receive a certificate of participation.
Module 1- Introduction
Module 2- An Overview of Intellectual Disability
Module 3- Inclusion of pwID through Serious games
Module 4- Inclusion of pwID through ID GAMES workshops
Registration and enrolment process
If you are interested to attend the E-course follow the following 2-step registration/enrolment procedure
Step 1. Register in the Moodle platform
To register in the platform, you should click on the next button with the name "Register now" or click the light red button on the top right of this page with the name "Register".
*Please don't forget after registration to check your email and confirm it by clicking the link send automatically by the platform!
Step 2. Enroll to a module
After the confirmation of your account, you will get direct to this page and you should enroll on the module of your preference by clicking on the button next to each module with the name "Enroll".
If you need extra help, please download the guide of the platform from the next button
More about the ID GAMES project
According to the World Health Organization (2021), 1 billion people are estimated to live with some form of disability (10-15% of totalpopulation). Unfortunatelly only 18,23% of non disable people have a positive attitude towards people with intellectual disabilities andengage with them as friends or neighbours (Meyer et,1998). The rest 25,84% seems to lack of awareness while 55,93% express hostilitytowards of integration of them in the community.
The partners of ID GAMES combined their different expertises to develop an innovative methodology for the social inclusion andempowerement of cognitive, practical and social skills people with intellectual disabilities, as well as the enhancement of the competences oftheir trainers, relevant professionals working with them, their carers and young volunteers.
If you want to learn more about ID GAMES project, objectives, outputs, activities and news please visit our website!
ID Games
Co-Create assistive games for people with Intellectual Disability to enhance their inclusion
Contact Info
email: info@challedu.com

“This project has been funded with the Support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”
ID GAMES (2019-1-EL01-KA204-062517)